A capstone adventure for Ghosts of Saltmarsh or a chance to punch giant monsters in the gut.

An ancient prophecy foretells the coming of a great evil.
“When the sea rains into the blackened sky and the dwellers of the deep gorge themselves on living flesh, Ujiak returns to ravage the world.” So sayeth a wise seer.
Only a mighty band of heroes can prevent the coming dark age—with extra-planar technology and superior firepower, that is.

Attack on Saltmarsh is a 4 to 6-hour adventure designed for four to six 11th to 13th-level characters. It is optimized for five characters with an average party level (APL) of 12. To run the adventure, you need the fifth edition Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual. It is a dark adventure that features monsters devouring humanoids. Player discretion advised. Although Saltmarsh serves as a backdrop for the adventure, any coastal town setting is suitable with minor alterations as given in the text.