A collection of monsters for the misty lands of Barovia and Castle Ravenloft.

Strahd’s Dark Servants brings you ten new stat blocks and information about Strahd’s evil retainers and revolting pets. Everything is rounded up by a disturbing layout, inspired by the great Mörk Borg.

This is a collection of ten NPCs for Strahd and Ravenloft that come with such style, flavour and inspiration that will add morbid amusement and deathly terror to your game! The book is a work of art on its own, taking inspiration from the bold, sketchy punk-metal aesthetic, which fits this subject perfectly. There’s lore and descriptions here to develop existing characters and concepts, as well as inspire whole questlines and arcs with a range of danger, from new danger in the Svalich woods to a sozzled zombie kept fermenting in a wine barrel and a truly horrifying Apostate with dark revelations and a deadly bag of tricks! — Curse of Sebs (@CurseofSebs)