Tyrwal 17 – A Death in Space Dungeon Crawl Pamphlet
Explore a festering ulcer in the Iron Ring’s belly. Void cultists and their subservient scum have the sector grasped by its throat, strangling it with their bony hands. Outsiders may freely enter but do so at the risk of life and sanity. Suffocating fumes; twinkles on the edge of your vision. Hallucinations of the end and visions of the past.
Tyrwal 17 is a randomly generated dungeon crawl. Roll for quests, encounters, and monsters!
Tyrwal 17 is an independent production by Christian Eichhorn and is not affiliated with Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the DEATH IN SPACE Third Party License. DEATH IN SPACE is © Stockholm Kartell and/or other authors.
Editing by John Parker