Derelict is a sandbox adventure for Death in Space by Christian Eichhorn (; @squirrelgolem), with editing by John Parker. Explore the wrecks in orbit around Y0109+49155637, uncover secrets, and loot everything that’s not nailed down.

A rogue black hole [Y0109+49155637] rushes toward “civilization.” In its gravity well, Y0109 carries the husks of ancient ships and forgotten technologies. A message in a bottle and rotten care package from long-dead progenitors.

Black Hole Maps. Nothing better than a good ol’ map! It’ll come in two versions. A player facing map, showing the location of nine wrecks to explore. The DM map shows additional, secret information. Something for the characters to discover off the beaten tracks.

Encounters. You’ll get them. All 22 of them, ranging from mundane (in the outer rims) to truly bizarre (traveling toward the center).

Exotic Locations. Space is vast. Secret locations wait to be discovered, not picked up by any sensors until you visually confirm them. Stumble about them while exploring, or not! 

Ships, Stations, Wrecks. Scanners pick up a total of nine derelict vessels orbiting the black hole. Most are decades old, some are new, but all of them are packed with loot and death. Explore, Exploit, Exterminate.