Episode 2 in the Exchange Student Adventure Series
The heroes are attending a recruitment workshop at the prestigious Tsygan Intergalactic Boarding School (TIBS). While visiting the school’s athletic facilities, they are approached by Dr Nova, a professor of Mythical Zoology. Strange and dangerous things are happening in the Stardragon habitat. Dr Nova needs a security escort to get her to the Stardragon nest so she can witness an event never before recorded in the annals of Science. The hatching of Stardragon eggs!
Can the heroes help Dr Nova get safely to the Stardragon nest in time to witness the hatching?
Secret of the Stardragon is a 6 encounter 45-90 minute adventure. It includes 4 new maps, 4 new heroes, 4 new monsters and 2 new pets!
All hero/monster/pet cards/minis include both b&w and full color versions. Also includes printer-friendly version.