This supplement is written by medical students with a love for tabletop roleplaying games. Inspired by the vast array of diseases, and the medieval myths that once surrounded them, we embarked on a mission; to enrich other worlds with fantastical diseases.

Deep in each civilization’s roots, there are myths, remedies, and folklore, all revolving around the ailments that affect its people. When each Dungeon Master wants to expand on the details of the societies that unfold before their very eyes, tools that spice up the process become a vital weapon. This supplement will hopefully become one of them, as DMs become inspired by the grim, epic or mundane conditions of the human body and mind.

This fourth installment of the Malady Codex focuses on diseases that affect those who explore the frozen tundra and the far north. With them, you can bring a fantastical sense of realism to your Icewind Dale adventures. These wastelands of ice and snow are full of wonders and dangers, and you can showcase both with these storytelling tools.  

Do not underestimate diseases. Part of the Dungeon Master’s art is to be able to stir feelings up in their players, and few human conditions could accomplish that better. Used as a way to advance a storyline, to expand a character arc or to create conflict, the following stories can serve you well!