by John Parker | Oct 15, 2019
Get ready for Baldur’s Gate like you have not experienced it before!
This product includes 16 quests (presented on four notice boards), 9 original maps, 8 bounty hunts with new stat blocks (also on notice boards), 57 random encounters, as well as a table of 90 inns, taverns, shops, and shady dens in Baldur’s Gate! The templates for the notice boards, and the separate notes are included as image files as well!
Baldur’s Gate Notice Boards is perfect for all Baldur’s Gate based campaigns like Descent into Avernus, Call from the Deep, or Heroes of Baldur’s Gate. However, you might as well use these quests and whatnot in all other cities! I took special care not to mention Baldur’s Gate on the player handouts.
by John Parker | Sep 30, 2019
A Complete Guide To Creating Evil Characters
Compendium of True Evil features 61 pages of evil themed character options for building a balanced, functional party for evil adventures. The product includes:
- 1 Full Character Class:
- 12 New Class Archetypes
- 10 Character Backgrounds
- 21 Character Feats
- 70 Unique Spells
- A Guide To Building Evil Backstories
- 100 Trinkets
by John Parker | Sep 25, 2019
Your Descent Into Hell
Isn’t Done Yet
Nine layers of Hell, nine heists, and the odds aren’t in your favor. Explore each layer as a separate adventure or tie them all together for one hellish campaign.
Featuring 29 new monsters, 23 new items, one new background and innumerable terror.
by John Parker | Sep 12, 2019
Get Ready for Adventures in and around Phandalin!
The quest seeds you find in this collection are intended for villages or small towns in the hinterlands, where strange monsters roam and the wilds are still untamed. The noticeboards numbered one and two are intended for characters of level 1 or 2; the noticeboards numbered three through six for characters of level 3 or 4. One noticeboard covers the quests available in Phandalin, the village described in the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign. The description of each respective quest is included in the campaign book, however. You may use these quest seeds to liven up villages along the characters’ way, to bridge sessions where some players are missing from the table, or to offer more variety during a Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign.
by John Parker | Sep 8, 2019
Barovian Nights is a compilation of encounters, mechanics and dastardly tricks for use with your Curse of Strahd game.