The Vaults of Torment | A Mörk Borg Dungeon (Redux)

The Vaults of Torment | A Mörk Borg Dungeon (Redux)

The Vaults of Torment is a fifty-room mega-dungeon for Mörk Borg. Explore a demon-infested hellhole below the city of Schleswig to slay the Keeper or become a zombie. Presented to you by author Christian Eichhorn and editor John Parker. You can contact me via mail (

Welcome to the Vaults of Torment Redux! — a 48-page megadungeon built from the freshest corpses for your entertainment. This is a streamlined and almost completely rewritten version of the now almost three year old first release.

The characters’ journey begins after the king’s men throw them into the Grøbe. They all drank of the KEEPER’s bile, and their slow zombification now begins. Regardless of their station in life—noble, peasant, or cutthroat—in death, all are equal. They may begin their march to doom with their usual equipment or covered only in rags—it depends on how cruel you feel on this fine day.

Zombification & Blood is Fuel. The megadungeon comes with two specialities. To put some additional pressure on the characters (which is at this point really surplus to requirements), they slowly rot and turn to zombies. Each night, some other body part might become a foul mockery of life. And, as we all know and appreciate, in the vaults, Blood is Fuel. Every time a character dies, their blood is absorbed, and the Keeper will unleash some of its disgusting magic.

Infested Loot, Monsters, and Doomed Vault Dwellers. Several spreads hold forbidden treasure. Loot tables for monsters, powerful (infested) items, and slightly magical dungeon items. And to bring (un)life to the vaults, the zine also includes d66 new monsters and d20 NPCs.

Fifty Rooms (Temples, Settlements, and Regions). The vaults are an ever-expanding maze. A repugnant organism and part demon. It contains small rooms, entire regions, and four temples to powerful demon gods. In other words, hours upon hours of fun for the DM and players (and suffering for their characters). I doubt anybody will ever see the end of it to face the Keeper, but there’s no harm in trying.*

[*disclaimer: there’s great harm in trying].

Down Bad | CY_BORG Adventures

Down Bad | CY_BORG Adventures

Down Bad is a CY_BORG supplement by Christian Eichhorn (, with editing by John Parker (@JohnnyOpie). Experience adventure like never before in our trademarked sensory overload tanks:

Drug Raid. The characters must infiltrate a Tulles&deVerte factory [laboratory] and destroy it as thoroughly as possible. This includes all data, machines, and specimens. The only thing standing in their way are robot guards, flesh guards, and repugnant super mutants (courtesy of a Kergoz plot).

For Profit Abduction. An infamous punk and CARBON HEART member, Neon%Shade, approaches the characters. She recently crowdsourced the abduction of Elias Valter Tosk, one of the more leisure-focused Tosk offspring. The characters must grab the target (Elias Valter Tosk) in his NORTH CENTRAL penthouse [ALIVE] and deliver him to an undisclosed location in MOSSCROFT. 

TOMBSCRAPER. Cy’s undead suburbia. Tombtowns overflowing with the ostracised and individuals declared dead by their insurances. Discontent forments. A stench of hate rises from the gullies. It swirls with sinister intent. An apparition, the self-proclaimed “Queen of Hearts,” visits the mightiest CEOs during their sleep. She brings nightmares, haunting vistas of rotting dividends. The characters must travel to the edges of Cy and kill a person who is nothing more than a rumor.

NEON BORG (REVISED). A CY_BORG solo micro-RPG you can play alone (with slightly altered rules) or use as inspiration to run as an adventure.

Derelict | A Death in Space Adventure

Derelict | A Death in Space Adventure

Derelict is a sandbox adventure for Death in Space by Christian Eichhorn (; @squirrelgolem), with editing by John Parker. Explore the wrecks in orbit around Y0109+49155637, uncover secrets, and loot everything that’s not nailed down.

A rogue black hole [Y0109+49155637] rushes toward “civilization.” In its gravity well, Y0109 carries the husks of ancient ships and forgotten technologies. A message in a bottle and rotten care package from long-dead progenitors.

Black Hole Maps. Nothing better than a good ol’ map! It’ll come in two versions. A player facing map, showing the location of nine wrecks to explore. The DM map shows additional, secret information. Something for the characters to discover off the beaten tracks.

Encounters. You’ll get them. All 22 of them, ranging from mundane (in the outer rims) to truly bizarre (traveling toward the center).

Exotic Locations. Space is vast. Secret locations wait to be discovered, not picked up by any sensors until you visually confirm them. Stumble about them while exploring, or not! 

Ships, Stations, Wrecks. Scanners pick up a total of nine derelict vessels orbiting the black hole. Most are decades old, some are new, but all of them are packed with loot and death. Explore, Exploit, Exterminate.

Galgenbeck: Sacrifice | A Mörk Borg Adventure (Hardback)

Galgenbeck: Sacrifice | A Mörk Borg Adventure (Hardback)

Now available in hardback with additional content.

Galgenbeck: Sacrifice is a Mörk Bork adventure by Christian Eichhorn, with editing by John Parker.

The sun vanished behind a black disk months or years ago—who could tell. Now, a comet plows across the sky, leaving behind a trail of bloody pieces. The Galgenbecker people are confused, incited, whipped into a frenzy. So many innocent dangle from the trees. The stank lures in the ravens and worse.

Half of Galgenbeck’s population is gone. Most have fallen to Josilfa’s scythe. The city seems eerily empty, but nobody notices the citizens’ absence. Galgenbeck was always half empty. All
is as it should be.

This is a multi-session adventure about ritualistic, human sacrifice. To stave off destruction and appease Nechrubel, who rides a comet across the sky, Josilfa beheads the unwanted. Since the sacrifices not only vanish from the world but also from the memories of those who are left behind, the characters may forget about their mission and themselves.

Monsters! | A Mörk Borg Supplement

Monsters! | A Mörk Borg Supplement

A collection of about 20 monsters and NPCs for Mörk Borg by Christian Eichhorn (, with editing by John Parker (@JohnnyOpie), and art by Waclaw Traier (Droned Artworks).

You’ll get the dvörga cave warrior and warlock, jötnar, urks, the Galgenbeck Goat Breeder, the Grift executioner, the Vampyr of Castle Bolg Morsk, the Twisted Saint and his lizard, the Evil Orb cultists, the Nightrider and his Nachtmahr, Harry the Boulder, cackling witches, Bodil the Warmaiden, Inkblot, the cobbled abomination Lörzst, the burned guardian and his pig, and the Ghost of the Old Castle. And a few more!