Picky Packrats

Picky Packrats


Picky Packrats is available on The Game Crafter as of Sept. 30 2021.
Download the rulebook to see if the game interests you.
If you are interested in purchasing the game, please check it out on The Game Crafter.
If you are interested in the history and development of the game, read on here. (Then check it out on the Game Crafter).



Picky Packrats is based on the traditional card game called: Golf, Nines, Nine Holes of Golf, etc.

If you are interested in the makeover of the original game that resulted in what is now Picky Packrats, you can review it in the design blog starting with Game Makeover: Nines. The makeover took place from mid 2014 through mid 2015, with some changes in 2017 after hundreds of playtests where games stats were captured and analyzed.


Publication as a print on demand product on the Game Crafter is a long-overdue and natural next step for the game. I finally acquired high quality art for the components and marketing, which made this possible.

Next Steps

Where Picky Packrats goes from here depends on its reception. If a no publisher is interested, a possible, obvious next step would be Kickstarter. Through Kickstarter we could pay for a professional graphic design and fund a lower cost production and therefore a lower retail price.